понедельник, 27 января 2020 г.


Has anyone built an extensive database that they can share? Problems happen intermittently, usually a restart of the software will fix the problem. Anyway, hope that helps you on your way to setting up KTV. Hi there, I check your blog like every week. Let me try it out. It's a very easy on the eyes which makes it much more pleasant for me to come here and visit more often. Feel free to drop me a comment if you have any questions. jetktv

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Setting up Karaoke (KTV) like an actual Karaoke place at home using JetKTV

Is it not working at all for you? Wonderful post howeverI was wondering if you could write a litte more on this topic? That would be quite awesome, but I think doing that would be quite sketchy, legally speaking!

Audacity — I use this to create tracks so that I can have a vocal track file and a non vocal track file. Always test the last song, if that works, chances are, everything is in working order.


I am using the extended screen option and have tried with the TV as the main monitor and the desktop monitor as the main monitor as well. I blog quite often and I genuinely thank you for your information.

Will I need speakers? It was really simple to follow! I am using the most current version of Windows 8.


The pursuit of the canvasback, then as now, involved much effort and expense. Jetkttv I am going to have to dry out awhile after being on your site! Problems happen intermittently, usually a restart of the software will fix the problem.

JetKTV software and downloads ()

Regards Have a look at my page: Or an amplifier will be all right? Jettkv program suggests that once a student has graduated, one should begin to consider purchasing a vehicle. Learn how your comment data is processed. Hi, I am wondering if anybody else have this problem. Karaoke establishments have all set up systems for people to use a computer to choose a song from a database by artist, name, gender, etc.

My current set up.

I have tried many software out there and this was the best free set up that I can find on the internet so far. To add a song, fill out the following information at the jetitv on one row: Have you been using this system in practice a lot?


I have tried a newer version of JetKTV and although it seems to be more stable, I could not get the video to successfully play full screen on the TV.

My web page; scrabble cheat sheet. After you install the software, when you run it, you should see the song picker GUI on your screen.

Or are you able to send me the ExtScreen document? The information I have in the blog post worked for me for the songs I tried, but there might be bugs in the program that is preventing this from working.

Where did you get the video from?

I've tried it in two different internet browsers and both show the same outcome. Also visit my blog post:: WOW just what I was jetkgv for. I used Microsoft Access to add songs, and singers to databases. Feel free to visit my webpage: Some of the software features in addition to searching and adding songs:

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